MD Desk

Action TESA

MD’s Desk

Vision and Mission

CSR Activity


Dear Friends,
It gives me a sense of pride to speak to you. My heart fills up with joy within I see the rapid strides made by our company in the last few years with the active and passionate involvement of all stakeholders. In spite of subdued economic conditions we could outpace ourselves mainly due to our value based and innovative marketing strategies focused towards inclusive growth. We owe this success to our highly motivated team of employees and quality trade partners.

India due to it’s population and demographic assets presents huge opportunities and therefore I always believe that we have miles to go to realize our vision. There is a renewed hope of a new resurgent India in the making. The spirit embodied in “Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas” holds a promise & an opportunity to collectively script a new destiny for our nation. Each step taken towards our journey is a milestone which should fuel us to reach greater heights & this we can only do together as a team with a shared vision. Come, let’s be a part of the new Action Story with true Indian values. Let’s make “Made in India – For the World” tag a matter of pride. Wishing you great success & looking forward to hear from you.

Mr. Ajay Aggarwal